Tuesday, February 6, 2018

T - Hero WOD

5 rounds for time of:
100-meter sprint
10 squat clean thrusters
15 kettlebell swings
100-meter sprint
Rest 2 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Scaled to 95 lbs and 1.5 pood (53 lbs) KB. In retrospect, should have done the SCT's RX'd... but wanted to protect the shoulder. I don't throw a barbell around much these days.

    This was a crazy intervals thing for sure. You can pretty much go full tilt throughout the interval, but just barely. I did pace a little bit on the first round just because I thought I'd be screwed later. Last round I was "out for blood"....

    TT: 22:18 including rest periods.

    Rounds were: 3:01, 2:43, 2:55, 2:57, 2:32

    Check out my heart rate monitor. Sure can see those rests and those SCTs!


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