Saturday, May 30, 2009

090531 Rest Day

Sorry for my inability to edit. I took this video after a few tries. It is from my phone and I set the phone in the chair I was sitting in to capture these images. By the way, I was trying to relax and had a cigar in my mouth when this was performed.


Friday, May 29, 2009

30 Muscle Ups

Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. Theodore Roosevelt

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday 090528

Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Monday, May 25, 2009


TUESDAY 090526


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Warning: Handstands can be extremely expensive! 

This is a picture of me the day after doing a handstand on the end of a pool table then losing my balance and falling into the pool light that then came crashing down, broke and tore the felt on the pool table.  $300 and two free drinks later I had purchased myself a piece of history (or at least new felt) in the Branding Iron Saloon, Garberville, CA.


Sunday, May 24, 2009


Navin R. Johnson letter about discovering his Special Purpose

Grandmother reading: My dear family, guess what. Today I found out what my special purpose is for. Gosh what a great time I had. I wish my whole family could have been here with me. Maybe some other time as I intend to do this a lot. Every chance I get. I think next week I'll be able to send some more money as I may have extra work. My friend Patty promised me a blow job. Your loving son, Navin. And he's got the kisses here.
Father: That Patty must be a sweet girl.
Mother: God bless her.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rest Day

The key is not the will to win... everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important. Bobby Knight

Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price. Vince Lombardi

No one has ever drowned in sweat. Lou Holtz

Friday, May 22, 2009


3 rounds
800 meter run
50 sit ups
50 back extensions

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:

750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 L-Pull-Ups

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

090520 4x 400m & 50 squats

Four rounds for time of:Run 400 meters50 Squats
Post time to comments.
Compare to 081107.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

090519 Rest Day

MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rest Day

I couldn't help it, I had to go out and flip that big ol 300 lb tire around. It is a good workout. Can't wait to incorporate it into some WODs. It gives me a big ol' headrush, and getting a grip can be tough (functional fitness baby! We DO have to grab stuff in real life don't we?).

Here are a couple of pictures... flipping it around in the dark. My wife is like "what the f@#$%!~ do you need that think for?" Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Oh, and here's that Ricky dude getting interviewed by Sevan right after he SMOKED the DL/Run WOD. This guy weighs *maybe* 150 and FLEW through those 300 lb DLs like they were 150 lbs. Then he laid on the pavement for like 15 minutes. Two guys had to get carried out after that one cos they couldn't get up and walk out on their own.

Row Body Weight Bench

row 500
30 bwb
row 1000
20 bwb
row 2000
10 bwb

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Wod

Four rounds for time of:100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps30 pound Weighted pull-ups, 20 reps

Saturday, May 16, 2009


21-15-9 reps of:

225 pound Deadlift

Handstand push-ups

Man I wish I could do this one, but I have to stay on my schedule.

Today I got up at 5AM to pick up Sean at 6:15 and head out to the regional CF games. It was amazing. Man, there are some bad ass people out there that you'd never know about, absolute machines. The first WOD was a beast. 3 rounds of 8 DL's and 400M sprints (Feedback of the day was "sprints after DL's are not easy"). Women had 195 lbs men had 300 lbs. Ouch.

Best men's time was 5:15 by a guy "Ricky" who got sixth in the games last year overall. He is a small super strong dude. Wow. Our buddies Jacob and Evan (from CF Szafranski) both got about 6:25. One more WOD tonight and one more (everyone does all three) tomorrow, which is not yet announced. The WOD tonight is (I think 3 rds) 175 lb front squat (10?), 10 burpees, 10 C2B pullups. The day was amazing, very exciting. I suggest any future chance you get to go to one of these you take it.

Today I did 3 rounds of

8 185 lb squats
20 abmat situps
10 215 lb DL's
15 1 pood KBS's

Forgot to time it, but not as fast as it should be! Just trying to get back to being normal strength, working my way up. Feel it in the nuts area a bit but not too much.

Tomorrow gonna try to row a 5K in 21 mins, PR from a month ago was 19:26 but I've lost a step...

Here are a few pics from today, I'll post more later or on another post

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rest Day

My WOD schedule is all messed up right now. I definitely "deconditioned" this past month missing 3 out of 4 weeks, but am on my way back. The group driveway WOD was very very fun, Travis is a great trainer and communicator. My legs are still sore from that, just lots of squats. SDHPs, Squats and Wall ball all include the squat move!

Today I did my shoulder rehab thing. I see the PT again tomorrow. Travis also pushed and pull on my shoulder a lot Saturday morning, about made me cry. I'm basically going to be stuck in a day 1) shoulder/rehab, day 2) DLs and Squats, KBs's, day 3) core, chest, row, day 4) rest cycle until my nuts and shouler are better. Still using the CF methodology though.

Here are a few pictures and a couple of videos from a mountain biking trip with my wife Chelle and some friends to Crested Butte in 2007. I LOVE that place!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Driveway WOD with Weaver!

Hey Gang: Travis and I saw each other last night and today for the first time in 19 years. Crazy insane. We had a blast, went to watch some local MMA fights (big fun!), had a ringside table. Then this morning I had some friends over (and their kids!) and Travis conducted a group training. It was Travis, my wife Chelle and I, Ulises and his wife Sonja and their son Andres, my friend Charlie (big bald dude) and his two boys Chase and Austin. Travis took us through a warm-up, then covered the CrossFit theory, then we covered basics like the squat, pushup, SDHPs, wall ball, etc. and then we did a group WOD with the hip-hop thumpin' through the neighborhood. The WOD was 30, 20, 10 squats, pushups, SDHPs, wall ball, then run up and down my 150' driveway twice. I'm still not on my game from the surgery but getting there. Super fun WOD'ing outside with a bunch of people. I'd like to host something like that once every weekend if I can. I got TT - 10:01, Charlie 10:43, Chelle 12:12 ish, and I can't remember the rest. Very good to see Travis!!! Big fun had by all! These guys were all whooped, they got baptized by CrossFit.

800m 4rds rest as needed

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rest Day

Thought this was a good rest day picture. I took this from a small propellor plane flying from one place to the other in Costa Rica a few years ago.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Tabata Something Else"

Friday 090501

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Compare to 081130.