Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pull Up Hell


  1. WODers:

    I'm pretty sure Mikey named this one right. 1x fat isn't causing me to lose any weight yet, but my numbers have improved alot. I thought it was going to be another year to do this Rx'd, but it happened today. Started out really slow but didn't get much slower.
    2:52)TT= 26:39 PR and Rx'd

    Tons of singles, I guess that is what I need to improve upon next.

  2. What is going on everybody? I got 13 hours of sleep yesterday and feel like I'm brand new, amazing how important sleep is.

    I think the last time Evan and I did this one are time and score went like this...

    10 Rounds of
    3 weighted Pull-ups 45lbs
    5 Dead Hand Pull-ups
    7 Kipping Pull-ups
    Track you sets and time.

    Evan: 23:30 21 Sets
    Both of us alternating rounds.
    Jacob: 21:30 12 Sets

    Other then that this pull-up WOD is miserable and my arms still hurt from TSE, so I did some of the Qualifier WOD's

    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Box Jump, 24"
    KBS, 1.5 Pood
    SDHP, 95lbs

    Jacob 4:09 Rx'd

    Rest 20 Minutes then...

    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
    5 Muscle-ups

    Jacob 6:10 (140lbs)

    Did the Hell's Half Arce WOD's and things didn't go so well.

    Row/Clean 14:01
    CTB/Burpee 4:10
    BJ,KBS,SDHP 4:09
    Total: 22:20 (15th Place)

    Did the first two WOD's back to back, on 3 hours of sleep after working a night shift in the ED and the final one this AM after 13 hours of sleep (Fresh!). All and all need to work on my leg strength, but what's new?

    Viva La Crossfit

  3. I subbed this one because I can't do weighted pull-ups yet, but I will. My kipping is still so so.

    100 Pull-ups (mixed grip)
    Bench Press 205x10,205x10,225x6,225x6,255x3,275x1

    Tomorrow is a shoulder day, awesome!

  4. Did this one last night, but not as RX'ed. Also had a break at the 1/2 way point as there were a couple people waiting on the machine. So, I jumped rope as a warm-up, then again 1/2way, and again after completion.

    150 kipping - TT = 17:33 (not including break)

    Started out strong but petered out towards the end. But, the most important thing is that I didn't rip any callouses.


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