Wednesday, May 20, 2009

090520 4x 400m & 50 squats

Four rounds for time of:Run 400 meters50 Squats
Post time to comments.
Compare to 081107.


  1. 14:04.41, did the first 400m in 68 sec. IU am pretty sure this is a PR.

    This is a picture I took from my brothers plane. My house is at the upper end of this park, If you look, you can see the pole barn gym there. Just a 1/4 mile beyond this is the base of the Big Horn Mountains.

  2. Morey: I took you up on you offer, but I also took coach up on his. Nice PR! and nice sub 1:10 400.

    400m walking lunge= 15:05 then 3 seconds rest and

    400M runs: 1:52/1:33/1:35/1:17
    50 squats: 1:57/2:24/2:23/3:05 TTwod2=18:03

    Couldn't feel my quads on the first run. My running ability is definitely improving. I was doing the super upright old man run on the first lap until feeling returned to my quads, neighbors had to wonder what in the fuck I was doing this morning!

  3. Morey - super cool pic!

    I did this but subbed rowing for runs. Haven't done 50 air squats in a row in a long time... oh the burn!


    Shoulder actually didn't hurt after the C and J's and pullups yesterday. First time in 3 months. Yah baby! See PT again in two weeks, will see if I can up the weight and reps then.

  4. Forgot to mention that I got some knifing pains in my knee so I stopped and put on a knee brace... 45 second delay or so but kept the clock moving. Clocks don't stop in life or CF.

  5. Impressive Kook! I was feeling it a little this morning on the squats. You will really bee feeling todays WODs in a couple days!!

    Yes Fletcher, the burn, feel the burn... The knife is bad...

    Am working on implements to use outside my quarters so that I can get the WODs in more regularly in the morning. Sandbags (2 @ 35#, 1 @ 55#), tree to hang rings in (have done this already), cleaning out a culvert for my box jumps, have my wallball baskeball, have measured 400m w/ the GPS. Anything else you guys can think of that would be easy to do? Am only going to be here another month, then off to the Cat Box...

  6. Boy do I blog a lot sometimes....

    Just ordered me one of these things, so by next weekend I should be able to tell you what rhabdo is like first hand!!

  7. Morey:

    I have pretty much accepted that I am going to be in some degree of some what severe muscle discomfort up until and for several days after the 1/2 marathon, but I was particularly worried about today based how fucked up my legs felt an hour later, and now you have confirmed my fears.

    Workout idea

    If you have a box, or even a chair, you can start to learn the one legged squat, if you don't already have the ability to do one. It's pretty close to doing a body weight squat but uses new muscles. You can get a nice load with out weights. There is a great journal video about developing this skill posted recently. Clapping pushups are another good one for low equipment subs.

  8. R1: 3:25
    R2: 3:30
    R3: 3:25
    R4: 3:15

    TT: 13:35

  9. Ran this one outdoors on the high school track. A true 400m run outdoors really showed off my vaginicity. The running helped with the sore legs from lunges yesterday though.

    TT = 14:37

    I was hoping to save this one for Saturday as I could do it outside, but there must have been an early out day today or something. Going to get to the bw-bench/rowing WOD tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow's WOD too.

    Later fellas,



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