Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cindy or Mary


  1. WODoers:

    I have been practicing my pistols in the hopes of doing Mary as Rx'd. Not quite there yet, but I did do Mary for the first time ever today with an 18" box as a stop on the pistols, so pretty much parrellel with the floor. The majority of the HSPs were hair to floor, but not all.

    Still really stoked about this one 7 rounds and 1 HSP, not as Rx'd. Will get the Rx'd next time.

  2. Justin - NICE! I don't even know what pistols are, have to go look that up.

    Dudes, it feels good (and bad in a good way) to be back in CrossFit. I went to the PT yesterday and he said things are progressing, and gave me permission to do moderate pullups (overhand grip only) and cleans (95 lbs). So this AM I did my first hard row, 2K in 7:40. Not the greatest time, but still rebuilding my metcon. Weaver gave me a good tip while he was out here, to slow down on the way back in so I was doing that and thought that felt better.

    Then I did what a seasoned CrossFitter would say is wimpy, but it was hard! It was kind of a "light Grace" with 30 pullups.

    3 rounds of

    10 95 lb clean and jerks
    10 pullups (5 dead hang, 5 kipping)

    Didn't time it because I need to focus on doing cleans correctly. This was harder than I thought it would be... haven't cleaned or done pullups in two months, but now I am going to do this WOD every 4 days for 3 weeks until I go see the PT again. Bad form is what got me in trouble in the first place. Edward gave me some good tips on improving clean form... for one, get used to front squats and letting the bar rest on my chest (cos for me, I was never really catching it with the weight up there, I was "holding it" with my fists clinched), for two, on the way up, elbows should not flare out to the side at all, they should go straight back. Coach Burgener says this is the most common flaw. Also shrug big time on the way up.

  3. Forgot to mention, next Monday I am going with my buddy Sean and we are each going to get a 300 lb earth mover tire to push up and down my driveway. He found a tire company willing to donate them to us.

    Oh yah baby... that will suck. That's like a deadlift, squat, and shoulder press with each push.

    We're also going to get a couple of semi tires that we can drag up and down the street and then beat on with sledgehammers. Summer fun WOD time. The neighbors are going to call the cops.

  4. See, the blog is nice, because my long-winded SPAM is just totally optional.

    Thought I'd post my shoulder rehab WOD. I'll be doing this every 4 days starting this Sunday.

    Warm up:
    Move and stretch
    500M row

    The “Rehab 300“ WOD: (300 total reps)
    10 95 lb clean and jerks
    10 pullups (5 dead hang, 5 kipping)
    10 dumbbell press (thumbs pressing together at the end)
    15 Tricep kickbacks
    15 isolation bicep curls
    15 Shoulder band pulls

    10 95 lb clean and jerks
    10 pullups (5 dead hang, 5 kipping)
    10 dumbbell flies
    20 slow motion ¾ ROM pushups
    15 ring dips (3/4 ROM)
    15 twisting bicep curls (go back down slow)
    15 Shoulder band pulls

    10 95 lb clean and jerks
    10 pullups (5 dead hang, 5 kipping)
    30 burpees (3/4 ROM on pushup)
    15 Tricep extensions (laying on back)
    20 shoulder band pulls
    15 tricep band pushdowns
    15 oly bar bicep curls (75 lbs)
    15 shoulder front raises (palms facing each other)

  5. Did Cindy, only the second time for me. First time got 10 rds, + 5,10,and 5. This time got 15 rounds + 5,10 and 5. I was whooped, but happy with 15+. Didn't take nearly the breaks that I am used to, just worked through it, with small breathers here and there.



  6. Second time with Cindy. First time I got 18 and change, this time I got 19 rounds + 5 Pullups + 10 pushups. I wanted 20 but I was out of gas.

  7. I also jammed out with Cindy back in the old hometown high school gym today.

    16 Rounds in 19:47

    Looked back on last time and it looks like I went backwards by one round + some. I thought I smoked it today, so I didn't feel bad until I looked that up. Fuck it. Felt great, glad to be home, and glad to hear some serious weight lifting music in a gym rather than that Euro-techno crap. Later fellas.


  8. Craig,

    The Coast2Coast header is going to need changing. No more slapping ass in Holland, and probably no more slapping ass at all. I heard people go to jail for that when the ass slapper is 28 and the ass slappee is 16.

  9. Yo dudes you guys are posting some bad ass numbers. I from now on will be posting again, Travis and I have been runnin a lot of classes and we are trying to get our own gym going. I will be following stricter standards for my wods. Today c-b pull ups and c-d push ups, no fuckin around. 22 total round exactly. Keep posting those big numbers dudes thanks to you guys we all stay motivated. Peace out ya'll

  10. Mike: If Montana is like Wyoming 16 may be the age of consent, just don't get her drunk first, the your in trouble.

    Myles: Good to see you post again!

  11. Mike - you got it, I removed the ass slapping comment! Welcome back to the US of A dude!

  12. Myles - great to have "the machine" back on the blog! Get the Tornado in here!

  13. See next days comments. 13 damn rounds at the end of a hat trick.


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