Friday, May 15, 2009

rest day


  1. WODoers:

    20 25m swim sprints 45 seconds rest in between

    Massive PR all sub 27 seconds last lap 23.

  2. Justin, you've gone from "fat guy" to machine. Fine work my brutha.

    I did my shoulder rehab WOD today, stopped after two rounds didn't do third cos' it started hurting but still worked hard. Tomorrow will do a DLs, squats, and core triplet like 4 rounds or so, Sun will row a 5K for time (duh).

    I'm getting there guys.

    Hardest part of shoulder WOD was the CrossFit moves, the cleans and pullups. Really shows how much easier single lever non-functional movements are and how much more CF moves kick your ass over traditional workouts. You don't hardly even breath hard doing dumbbell press, tricep extensions, curls, etc. but the PT says it's very good for me to do that stuff for me shoulder joint rehab so I'm a doin' em'


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