Saturday, May 30, 2009

090531 Rest Day

Sorry for my inability to edit. I took this video after a few tries. It is from my phone and I set the phone in the chair I was sitting in to capture these images. By the way, I was trying to relax and had a cigar in my mouth when this was performed.


  1. Have been getting in a few homemade WODs in w/ a few of the guys here. They are enjoying it for the most part, especially when we are done.

  2. Morey muscle ups! Nice! How long have you had that?

    Out in 30:55/in in 29:42 sub 10 minute mile pace based on known land mark distances. After the first mile, I had to deal with 3 coyotes harassing me and the dogs. Spent most of the run out with one nice rock in each hand yelling at my damned dogs not go after the coyotes, then mother nature provided and spent the run in with a 2 1/2 foot rock solid driftwood baseball bat. After I got the stick, I almost wanted the mangy sons of bitches to bring it, almost... Legs felt really good today.

  3. Nice Muscle Ups Morey!!! I can't even think of trying these right now til shoulder is normal. But someday...

    Today I did a hearty WU and then
    3 rounds

    115 lb C and J's 8 reps
    10 ring dips
    10 pullups

    Then shoulder rehab stuff

    Still have a cold, but working out anyway cos' I am so far behind and pissed off about it. Listening to some angry speed metal today helped with my funny little anger problem.

    Justin, get them coyotes!

  4. Morey:

    Isn't that what Monica Lewinski said too?


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