Tuesday, May 19, 2009

090519 Rest Day

MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle)


  1. Difficult to get in a proper WOD so went and did a "quickie" this morning.
    400m walking lunge - made sure was getting full lunge -- fuck me 20:23 -- try that on your rest day Justin, I am sure you could smoke me on it but it isn't easy

  2. Morey:

    I may try that tomorrow morning. I have to be in Afton by 9:00a.m. for deposition, so I probably can't wait for the Globo to open up. The neighbors should really get a kick out of me walking the dogs tomorrow.

    You are looking good Morey. That is one bad ass looking machine.

  3. I have heard that the 400M walking lunge is one of the harder WODs there are. I'll do that one soon... dammit. Maybe even tomorrow, and throw in some tire flips just for fun.

    Morey, is that thing truly mine resistant? That's bad ass dude, and so are you. Thanks for serving us and protecting my family's freedom. Before they started the WODs at the regional games, everyone stood with their hand on their hearts to the national anthem at Front Range CrossFit. Damn near brought a tear to the eye.

    Today I did tabata fitball GHD situps, held a 10 count per round, then tabata pushups, could barely sustain 12 (lame) but working on it, my chest is like a bag of ricotta cheese that got walked on by a football team with cleates.

    Then I did 3 rounds of:
    10 95 lb C and Js
    10 kipping pullups
    10 band pulls (shoulder rehab thing)

    Combining C and J's (even wimpy 95 pounders) with pullups is not very nice.


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