Tuesday, May 12, 2009

090512 Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Careful boys!!


  1. Dudes. I'm getting there. Can't clean, you know that, but seeing PT today. Did a few 135 lb cleans this AM, I could feel the pop and burn, but just barely. Did my own WOD this morning. My buddy Charlie and his 9 year old son showed up at the garage gym at 6AM to join me. Charlie looked pale afterwards, hope he's OK. He LOVES CrossFit, he was baptized this past Saturday when Weaver did the "250 things with squats" freakin' WOD.

    Today did 21-15-9

    Deadlift (light, 150 lb)
    KB Swing (I did 1.5 pood first time since surgery, felt OK!)
    20" box jump

    TT 13:45
    Charlie: 15:58

    Also did tabata pushups (3/4 ROM) and tabata situps during warm up. Yah baby. Get it.

  2. Got 135,145,155,165,175-f,175,185-f,185-f.

    Really wanted 185, close, but couldn't get all the way underneath. This is the first time doing max power cleans, everything else has either been hang or squat. But this is the first time I was able to get under 175 for any type of clean. Form needs work.

    Craig is back! And so is Mike, in a proximity sort of way.



  3. WODoers:

    I guess the heavy hang power clean is my goat. 175 is so easy and 185 might as well be 400 pounds. Praticed the movement at 155 after words.

    Then just out of curiosity check out my 1 rep max on the bench 250#. Not terrible for never benching. I still had a little pain in the shoulder and I failed miserable when I tried to jump to 265#.

  4. I can not stress enought these WOD's will kill you, caution advised.

    Workout # 1
    3 rounds for time of:
    8 deadlifts, men - 300 lbs / women - 195 lbs
    400 meter run

    Evan 5:43

    Jacob 6:47

    Workout # 2
    3 rounds for time of:
    10 chest-to-bar pullups
    10 front squats, men - 165 lbs / women - 105 lbs
    10 burpees

    Jacob 8:42

    Evan 6:08

    These WOD's sucked the life right out of me, ugh. Evan is a beast, nuff said.

  5. Went to the PT today. Some good news... it's improving and I can do light cleans (he said twice a week 3x10 100 lbs) and light pullups (same, twice/week 3x10 dead hang overhand grip). Also added some dumbbell flys and presses. He commended me for laying off, otherwise I could have torn a tendon, so now we just need to gradually work back. Also talked to me about "shoulders back" for the form.

    Cool, so tomorrow I clean and do pullups, then row my buns off.

  6. Jacob, too bad these are "strong dudes" and not metcon WODs, you crush metcons. Well, coach says, work on what your weaknesses are.

  7. 135,155,165,175(pr),180(pr),185(f),185(pr)

    Failed on my first attempt at 185, but I was determined and I got that bitch on my shoulders.

  8. Back in the US of A!!

    135, 155, 175, 185(PR), 195(f), 195(PR), 205(f), 205(f)

    Pounds felt light today. I questioned the gym if their bars were not 45 lb bars, but they said they were. Who knows? Maybe my kg to lb conversions were off. Later fellas.


  9. 137 x 2 - 157 - 167 - 177 - 187 - 197 (ugly) - 197 (better)(PR?)


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