Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Push Jerk 1,1,1,1,1


  1. WODoers:

    Went for max watts on a row warm up, got 603 Then tried 500m for time gassed at 1:10 and had to quit, then tried again and arms gave up at about 50 seconds. I was like what the fuck as I was getting off the rower and then I remembered, oh yeah, pull up day was yesterday.

    Push Jerk 185,205,230 fail, 230 fail, 230 PR!

    Took 235 off the rack and realized I was done so I put it back for next time.

  2. Dudes, I'm baaaaaack, a little bit. First WOD in two weeks yesterday, missed 3 out of the last 4 weeks (one week sick, two weeks recovering from nut snip).

    Anyway, did shoulder rehab yesterday, fairly light just to make sure I don't tweak my "lower abdomen", have to ease back into things.

    Today I did a metcon and it was really hard, I really can tell I deconditioned over the last month, but I vow to come back charging hard, just have to work my way back up. Shoulder is still jacked, the off time helped very little, if at all, and the wrist is too. I know I sound like a whiner, but I have some legitimate injuries that I am dealing with and it's a huge bummer. I'll just focus on what I CAN do, keep doing rehab, keep seeing PT guru man, and hope for the best.

    Today I did a "test WOD" to make sure I don't tweak myself. 2 rounds of:

    16 paces walking lunges with a 25 lb dumbbell in each hand
    20 burpees
    20 squats
    10 ring pushups
    20 20" box jumps
    5 ring dips

    My cardio was really suck ass.... well, everything was, but it was great to get back out there and get sweaty. Took me about 15 minutes, I couldn't really go super hard anyway.

  3. What is up every body?

    Huge PR today...2:53 Fran!

    16 months in the making, finally a sub 3 minute Fran!

    Try to post the video right now.

    Welcome back Fletcher, slow and steady, or fast and furious, whatever works fo you. Good to here you're back in the mix

  4. All,

    I am still recovering from the weekend cycle, that was a bit much for me. But today with the PJ I got 145,155,165,175-F-bad form,175,185-PR, 195-F. Maybe too ambitious, but I wanted to get a feel for 195, tried it 3 times, shoulders are smoked.


  5. Jake - NICE!!! You are a machine, not a man.

    Let's see that video.

    Guys, I am taking Travis to this on Friday night:

    We have a ringside table with all the food and drink we can muster. How ya like that?

  6. The video's are up and I'm still in disbelief... long time coming, but well worth it.

    Glad Evan was there to put the camera on the stop watch at the end.

    2:53.94 (PR)

    Next time!

  7. Push Jerk 135,155,175,185,190,195(pr),200(f)

    Glad tomorrow is a rest day.

  8. Hey fellas, getting WODs in as able to do so. Tried to get Elizabeth done but got called away to an emergency half way through the first set of ring dips. Was fucking pissed.

    Any way, got the front squats in the other night and did the press jerks today.

    157-167-177-187-197-207(PR)- 212 failedx2

    You guys are animals, glad to get back on the WOD Fletch? I feel so much better when I am able to get it done. Will try for the pull up hell soon. I remember that bitch, whoaa...

  9. I got 200, 205, 210, 220, 230, 240f, 235

  10. WOD Crew,

    Trying to get caught up. Got this one in today with the 4x800's and will get Grace and Sunday's in on Sunday.

    155 / 176 / 198 / 220(f) / 208 / 220 PR / 232(f)

    Looking forward to tomorrow's WOD as well as being one day closer to leaving The Netherlands!! Later fellas,



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