Monday, May 11, 2009

Rest Day

My WOD schedule is all messed up right now. I definitely "deconditioned" this past month missing 3 out of 4 weeks, but am on my way back. The group driveway WOD was very very fun, Travis is a great trainer and communicator. My legs are still sore from that, just lots of squats. SDHPs, Squats and Wall ball all include the squat move!

Today I did my shoulder rehab thing. I see the PT again tomorrow. Travis also pushed and pull on my shoulder a lot Saturday morning, about made me cry. I'm basically going to be stuck in a day 1) shoulder/rehab, day 2) DLs and Squats, KBs's, day 3) core, chest, row, day 4) rest cycle until my nuts and shouler are better. Still using the CF methodology though.

Here are a few pictures and a couple of videos from a mountain biking trip with my wife Chelle and some friends to Crested Butte in 2007. I LOVE that place!!


  1. Fletcher,

    Beautiful pictures man, that looks amazing. Glad to here you're enjoying yourself and living life again. Get better soon and don't let the set backs slow your progress.


    P.S. My back is still wacked, going to get x-rays tomorrow at work and have one of the Doc's check me out. I seriously think I might have a step fracture of either my T-12/L-1 vertebral spinous process. It doesn't hurt unless you press on it, then I jump a little and really feel it. Also if I hyperflex my back I have immediate pain, minimal, but still there.

  2. Jacob - oh noooo! Do you think you'll be able to WOD this weekend at the games? I *think* my family and I will be at Sean and Ashley's Friday night... checking with wifey.

  3. Fletcher,

    Yeah, I had my X-ray's this morning and no fracture was seen, which is good, just bothersome pain. What can I do about it now though? I made it through the WOD's and had 1st round times right on par with Evan, I just fell apart after that... I'm not that strong of a dude, and if you haven't all ready figured it out the Denver WOD's are total strong dude work outs. Hope to come on strong on day 2, but other than that we will see how it goes.

    Waiting to throwdown in Denver.



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