Friday, May 8, 2009



  1. WODoers:

    I got a pr, but I expected a better performance. 3:20 I think I could go sub 3 if I had bumpers. Setting the weight down every time is a lot of work for the forearms.

  2. Yeah I hear ya, I did a little experiment of my own with Grace today and did it with 155lbs trying to beat my 135lbs time since it had been about 8 months since I last did this WOD. It went well but I messed up my back a little and now have some mid back pain just left of my spine near my lower ribs. Nothing too bad but it worries me, it just feels funny.


    2:57 (155lbs) prior PR 2:43 at 135lbs

  3. Justin - dude, you are becoming one helluva'n athlete. WOW! You'll be in the Games next year!

    Jake -watch out man! You have to compete next weekend and we're fired up to yell for ya, be careful buddy! Are you going to rest Thursday and Friday?

  4. "If it takes you 40 minutes to get 135#'s from the floor to over your head 30x...then you need to be doing exactly that!"

  5. First time doing Grace, this was Rx, but 135 is still heavy for me. TT: 10:28. You guys are way out there.



  6. Yeah, I was planning on resting on Thursday considering I get off work at the ER at 8AM and I’m basically going home, getting my bags and flying to Denver. So I’m hoping to catch some sleep on the car ride to the airport, on the plane, to the hotel and then get a bite to eat and probably go right back to sleep, or something to that effect once I get to Denver.

    I already bought another battery and a charger for my HD pocket cam in anticipation for the trip. I’m hoping to make a mini documentary of Evan’s and my time in Denver so I can post it on the blog and maybe even press it to DVD for anyone who’s interested. So I was going to be lugging my laptop and external hard drive around to store all my footage while we’re their.

    As for the next week I could not have more counter productive stuff happening right now. I have a bachelor party that I’m throwing for my best friend tomorrow, ugh! Then Sunday I’m just going to be recovering and taking a rest day with my back and all in preparation for the release of the WOD’s. Monday I was going to complete one of the two WOD’s or whatever they throw at us before I go to the fire department and then do some more weight lifting and cardio…etc… Tuesday Evan and I were going to once again complete the WOD’s in back to back fashion with maybe a 30 minute rest period between and then do some skill work and/or related movement sets, while trying to get a strategy of what works for the WOD’s and what doesn’t. Only to once again do both the WOD’s on Wednesday and see if a different approach pays off. Hopefully we can shave some time off the second time around so we can go to Denver feeling prepared with that “third times a charm” attitude, but who knows, nothing is set in stone.

    One things for sure, I told myself my friends bachelor party comes around once in a life time (ideally) and I have to treat it as such, but I still feel bad about drinking a week out of the games, even more so when I drink maybe once every other month if that. So we’ll see, but none the less I’m excited anyways.

  7. First time with Grace.

    Rx'd TT 6:30

    Great numbers guys.

  8. Wow, everyone did really bad ass on this WOD. Simpson, I did this a few months ago and got exactly 6:30 ya bastage. I wonder when I will get to do cleans again.

    Jake, sounds like a good strategy... damn, you dudes WOD hard. I can film for ya if you need to, but you probably already have Tim doing that? Sean is having a BBQ Friday night, might see you guys all over there! Viva La CrossFit!

  9. Got this one in before the back squats. All from the ground as RX'ed. When you're used to hang cleans, you forget how much extra work it is to go to and from the ground every time.

    TT = 5:13

    One more day before Amsterdam, and Tuesday on the big bird back to the best country in the world! Later fellas,



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