Thursday, May 21, 2009


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:

750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 L-Pull-Ups


  1. WODoers:

    Felt more like Danny Divito than Arnold today. Scott was right about the pain from the walking lunges, I could hardly move to put my shoes on this morning. This doubling up and sprint work is definitely increasing my pain tolerance. Read this work out as do one couplet recover and then do the other. Thrusters were hard enough without going straight into them from HSPs.

    WOD1: 13:10 row 3:04 and 2:58

    recovery: 6:37

    WOD2: 4:03/3:25 , 5:58/3:05 = 16:21

    115# thrusters absolutely fucking suck after 40 HSPs.

  2. I can't wait til I can start following the site. Still rehabbing shoulder. You could see from yesterday's time that my cardio still needs work, I was slow on the squats, had to take a ton of mini breaks.

    1K row for warmup, went hard!! Definitely warmed me up.

    Then I did tabata fitball GHDs and held 10 per round, then tabata pushups 12-12-12-12-13-13-13-11. Just couldn't get 13 on that final round, my triceps said no, wanted to do 100 total reps. This is a sorry performance!

    Then 3 rounds of 5 ring dips 5 pullups, then shoulder rehab stuff and a few 95 lb thrusters.

  3. WODoers:

    400s sucked today and I was a pussy and quit after five rounds


    was able to shorten most rest down to 1:30

  4. Evil Twins

    2 Rounds:
    Subbed 75 SDHP's for row
    20 HSPU's w/ABMat, forehead touched mat each time

    TT: 14:17

    2 Rounds:
    115# Thrusters, man these hurt, broke them up into sets of 5. Same with the L-Pullups. My form wasn't quite a perfect L but close.

    TT: 13:08


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