Saturday, May 30, 2009



  1. WODoers:

    No time to do Kelly and no 24" box. Going fishing.

    Subbed 100 ring push ups for time, every time a set is broken 5 dynamax full squat cleans.

    10:00 with 11 or 12 sets of squats. Good fun WOD and I got some good work on one of my goats, the push up.

  2. where is everyone? Geesh....

    Did a buddy WOD today again, had Brett and Jason over. Jason did his first row ever, 5K in 20:09, he was whooped. Great first performance. I had him set up to do FGB but on like his thrid wall ball his back popped and he was done, he has a history of back problems and he cannot do anything with a squat (even air squats) without a lot of pain. Of course I didn't know that. Brett did a scaled back Helen in about an hour :-), 1 pood KB and jumping pullups. He'll get there!

    I did some random stuff since I'm perpetually behind. Would have done Kelly if I was by myself and subbed rowing, but I did:

    200 ft walking lunges
    tabata pushups (we all did these first two)
    185 back squat x40 reps
    2 pood KBS x 20 reps (ouch)
    12 pullups

    Just trying to get back in the groove, that I was in like, uh... 12 weeks ago?

    Still have a cold too, but just had to workout.


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