Sunday, March 29, 2009

090329 Fight Gone Bad

Three Rounds of:

Wall-ball 20 pound ball 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75 pounds (Reps)Box Jump 20" box (Reps)
Push-press 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)


  1. Looks like I semi screwed this blog thing up, but I'll know how to post next time I do it.

    Anyway, that is a picture of the famous Head-less Mike next to the famous Head-less ancient Roman dude in Athens. Later.

  2. First time with FGB, it was pretty nasty

    Round 1: 91
    Round 2: 92
    Round 3: 88

    Total : 271

    Subs: Jumped on a chair don't have a plyo box and Burpees, don't have a rower.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend fellas

  3. WODoers: Next time I'm doing this as RX'd. I subbed 2 pood kettle bell swings for row, which sucked! And then I found out that when I switched to throwing the wall ball off the ceiling, instead of just using a visual cue, I went from 10' to 11'6", which makes a big difference by round two. No wonder Karen took me forever.
    Total reps 251

  4. Fletcher, the Crossfitszafranski crew says hello...With that being said, cool site and good pictures. We're all trapped inside here right now and FGB taught everybody a lesson today (it's a good way to stomp out cabin fever). Here's some of our numbers from this morning.

    Nate 259 (PR)
    Shane 183 (PR)
    Jacob 406 (PR)

    Keep up the awesome work everybody and if you keep moving fast, keep breathing hard and keep a smile on your face at some point while doing it, it's always a PR.

  5. Tried my best to get excited about the WOD today, yeh!, but wasn't as focused as I should have been. I had to sub 40lb dumbell thrusters for the wallball, don't have a ball yet, the rest was RX. Reps= 212(PR), 8 over my previous score. 88-66-66.

  6. Mikey Jones - Round 1: 92

    Round 2: 88

    Round 3: 87

    Total: 267

    Sumo deadlift high-pulls were the killer in this workout.

  7. Because of my jacked shoulder, I had to sub Sumos with 1.5 pood KB swings (a gnarly sub, I am much more efficient with sumos) and I subbed GHD's for push press.

    Not RX'd cos I can't, but my score was 311, a PR, but it can't count.

    I got higher numbers on the wall ball, box jumps, and row than before. I'm sure my power output was much better than last time, and I'm also quite sure that I could break 300 RX'd if I wasn't messed up. I know none of these "certainties" really matter unproven though. I just felt stronger overall metcon wise than in the past.

    Oh well... fun WOD, kicked me good! The KB swings were actually the hardest part, got em all over my head... cruel sub.

    Had three friends come over today and do this, two of the three had never done CrossFit. I think that they are both now convinced that it is "The Way" and they're gonna jump on board. I'm a CrossFit evangelist aren't I?

  8. Craig, thanks for fixing the post. How did you edit it? Or, is this a Bloggy Blogmaster feature?

    Also, I found the language setting on this thing, so I got it switched to English. Still some Dutch pops up every once in a while, but for the most part it's English.

  9. Mike - There is a little pencil icon in the lower left where you can go to edit your posts!

  10. Ahhh. Why is it not an pencil/eraser combo?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. :-), I don't know! Another silly limitation is that you cannot edit comments, only posts. For everyone else, you guys can build the posts like Mike did here for Fight Gone Bad.

    Just go to "New Post" in the upper right hand corner, give it a title, and put text in the body. Like today, the title could just be "Nicole", then in the body describe the WOD, but don't pull a Mike and post your results in the post, rather, post a comment with your results. Anyone can do posts... I just do them so they are there, but I am sure you guys get tired of seeing my pictures and whatnot, except the one of Luci swinging on the rings. She always says "let's do rings daddy! can I go do the rings?" It's cute.

  13. As rx'd

    312 - PR Don't have the breakdown here at work.

    Rowed my ass off on the last one and fell off of that thing. I was spent! Then I picked up some bumpers off of c's list...stoked!!!

  14. Sean - Did you literally fall off of your rower?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Made up FGB today. Was not super stoked with my score, wanted well over 300 but didn't get there today. Now just glad to have it done.
    Wall ball/HighPull/Box Jump/PushPress/Row
    1) 38/20/19/20/10 = 107
    2) 26/17/20/15/10 = 88
    3) 25/20/18/20/10 = 93
    Total 288


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