Friday, March 27, 2009

10 Rounds of 10 Ring Dips and 10 Pullups

10 rounds for time of:

10 Pull-ups

10 Ring dips

Post time to comments.

We have so far had over a foot of snow today here in Denver Metro. Here's a tree from my front yard this evening.....


  1. WODoers:

    This one was tough.

    Was missing the sit break from the other WOD like this.


  2. Guys - same old story. Shoulder is a mess, actually getting worse. I simply can't go today, and it's not getting any better so who knows when I can do anything upper body. Stil, basic things like putting a shirt on send searing pains through my body from the shoulder.

    I'll probably go see a doctor or an orthopedic specialist next week. This all started after the heavy hang power squat cleans and JT back to back, both of which I did RX'd.... probably with bad form.

  3. This one was very tough. Dips were the worst of it for me. Went like this:
    (:38)(1:07)(1:31)(1:54)(2:07)(2:22)(2:27)(2:38)(2:59)(2:55) TT=20:38

    Way to smoke the hungover boy KooKoo. Nice job. ELKHORN

  4. Travis and I did thid one side by side, I proposed a chest to bar mandatory for the pull ups, which by the way made it little more difficult. My time was 11:46 and the tornado finished 1 second behind. The dips sucked. peace out, Myles

  5. DNF - Got only 5 rounds in last night before I got kicked out of the gym. Alternated 30# db weighted dips with 2:1 sub. Total Time = 14:46

    Also kind of strained my chest on the left side during this. Figured the gym closing on me was a sign. Later fellas, Mike

  6. 11:47 Dips not fun. Great to have Myles pushing hard.


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