Tuesday, February 9, 2016

14.2 Revisited

1 comment:

  1. Been hitting the cross fit frontier WODs as hard as an old guy like me can. They brought up 14.2 again the 3 minute per round ladder up of 10-12-14 etc... 95# OHS and CTB only they had us find a 4 rep max back squat 275# for me only got two at 305#s and then do a drop set before hitting 14.2. It totally killed my abilities on the met con, but I am really liking the way they manage to fit in a real warm up, strength work and a brief cool down into one hour. I was always good about doing the WOD on my own but never so much the cool down and warm up. 14.2 = 1rd +12+12+12+1
    I know I could get two rounds on that SOB if I just could start fresh.


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