Sunday, January 15, 2017

AMRAP in 12 min 20 GHD SU, 10x2 Walking Lunges


  1. The walking lunges were 10 for each arm with 60# dumbbell overhead. I used 15#.
    Made 5 rounds and 13 Situps (did not use the GHD)

  2. Dave that sounds rough. We did 11.6 this am the 100# thruster/CTB Pullups 3,3 6,6, 9,9 etc. I got a PR made it through the round of 15 and then got two thrusters. That is a pile of suck!!

  3. Neither of those sound fun. We did 5RFT 25 jumping lunges, 25 goblet squat with 53 lb KB and 25 SDLHP. TT was 18:56


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