Monday, March 30, 2009

Tuesday 090331

Five rounds for time of:

30 Glute-ham sit-ups

25 Back extensions

Post time to comments.
Compare to 090126.

Picture from yesterday of some virtual shoveling in a real shoveling world. This is a picture outside the polebarn gym. Over a couple feet of snow has fallen and several drifts well over 4 ft high. Snow piled up over 10 ft in some places. Definately shoveled more than a couple thousand pounds yesterday and plowed many more tons of snow.


  1. Morey: Nice Post!

    Craig: When you look at yourself in the mirror does it look like your fucked up shoulder is pushed forward, if it is then I know what is wrong and can help you out. I did the same thing Jake did and created an impingement in my shoulder by sleeping on it wrong.

    WODoers: Run 800 3:04PR WOD = 11:02 I did hip back extension so it took me just a little longer than last time, but it smoked my lower back. Good workout.

  2. I don't care for this one too much. 150 GHSUs!
    My time dropped 4min to 16min and part of the reason was resetting the GHD between BEs and GHSUs. That was a time killer, but let me tell you, doing those GHSUs proper was the killer.

    Last time I didn't reset the machine between movements so I wasn't doing legit GHDUs. My ass was center-pad, even closer to lower back. This time I was legit and it still hurts!!

    Enjoy the WOD

    Jacob - When you see Ozanne tell him I said hey.

  3. Last time: 17:14
    Today smoked my back especially after shoveling yesterday. Today: 14:39 PR

    Myles, you're crazy w/ that vest man!

  4. Scott - Cool post and pic!

    TT - 15:50 which included a necessary one minute "stretch out that dying hamstring" break in round three. It got so tight I couldn't do the Good Mornings without stopping to stretch, felt like my hammie was gonna get torn off my ass.

    I also did 35 GHD situps each round instead of 30 cos' I do them on my big ol' fitball with feet anchored at floor level. I know it isn't as hard as a true GHD machine, and I probably should have done 40 reps each round.

    For back extensions I did Good Mornings with 45 lb barbell. That was a lot harder than my previous sub for this, which was butt against wall back extensions with 20 lb med ball up on chest. The Good Mornings are what killed my hamstrings. Stretched em' for 10 minutes afterwards and they are still screaming at me.

    Rowed 1K in 3:30 during warm-up... after WOD rowed 24 calories in a minute.

  5. Sean, good to see you on the blog buddy! Guys, Seancw is one of the two guys (Weaver being the other) that convinced me to do CrossFit. He lives out here in Littleton, CO and is a garage gym'er like me, CF'er for 2 years now... he breathes fire. Did his last Murphy in 33 minutes if I remember correctly.

  6. Went and did Lynne over lunch today. Could've gotten another round in but one of the old-timers stopped me to talk. Felt too bad to tell him to just wait a couple of minutes.

    6 rounds w/ 14-7-8-6-6-9 = 50 total pull ups

  7. Stopwatch stopped working sometime between yesterday and today. It looks like I need a new one.

    I tried to make a GHSU rig at the gym today. I set the bar of the Smith machine slightly higher than level with a bench, then put a lot of weight on the bar. Then, do a sit-up with the bench under your hamstrings and your feet under the bar. You can kind of turn into a teeter-totter because you don't have something to stop your feet from going down on the way up, but it was worth a shot.

    Warmed up with a mini jump roping WOD.
    300, 10 second rest, 50 DU's, rest, 300/50/300

    WOD as RX'ed: 14 minutes +/- 30 seconds

    Squats 3x3: 265, 285, 305 (2)

    Later fellas.

  8. This is the 2nd WOD since starting that I ddn't finish. Got my GHD a few weeks ago. Previously I was working on a decline bench type setup for this, about a 60 degree down angle, and finished all 5 in 24:09, the real deal is not same. I got through 3 rounds, 2:39, 4:07, and 5:43, total of 12:38. Started the 4th round of GHSUs, even though my lower back was super tight, went down but couldn't get up, good thing it comes with handle bars. Previous max on the GHD is 60 for any ghd WOD, I'll need to work up to 150/125.



  9. Hello all, Fletcher as far as my GHM goes I bought it from for 215.00 and it's a solid buy. The only problem is now you have to register for the site so if you want to check it out it's kind of a pain. I posted pictures of it on the CFS blog.

    Sean I'll forward the hello to Tim when I see him.

    Excited for tomarrow, it's gonna be a brutal rest day WOD. I think Evan and I are going to go head to head on a home grown "Pain Storm" WOD...Jacob's Ladder.

    Jacob's Ladder
    10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 reps with weights as follows (135,145,155,165,175,165,155,145,135) for time, of...

    Hang Power Clean
    Front Squat
    Push Jerk
    *Every time you let go of the bar, for any reason, even when you increase your weights*
    Do 10 Push-ups

    It's gonna be bad, in a good way.

  10. 35/M/150
    As rx'd: 10:34

    Did this right after 'Nicole'.


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