Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rest Day

Happy happy rest day.

Just for fun, here's my bad ass buddy Ken doing a 37 inch box jump in the garage on Sunday when we had a group "Fight Gone Bad" WOD. Ken's got hops!


  1. This is my 20 inch plyo box, with 4 inch riser, and 4 rubber bumpers stacked up to make it 37 inches.

    I giggle like a little school boy here... been doing some special stretching/rehab moves that Travis sent me to help with the shoulder. It is improving! Was going to do Nicole this morning sub rowing, but decided to rest. It really bothers me to rest as much as I have been lately, but I want to be smart and allow the shoulder and wrist to heal up. I'm getting there... might do Nicole with rowing tomorrow if the main site WOD has cleans or something else that is still risky right now. Did you guys see Jacob from CrossFit Szafranski's "rest day WOD" today? What the heck is that? It's supposed to be a rest day? Craziness. Jacob, I'm glad I don't go to your gym.

  2. From Crossfit Szafranski:

    Well the first of the WOD's has been annonced for the Ausi's and the Down Under Crossfit Qualifiers.

    Three rounds for time:
    10 Clean and Jerk 135lbs
    15 Ring Dips
    20 KBS 1.5 Pood

    21-15-9 Reps for time:
    Pull Ups
    Row 400m

  3. I talked to Skip from Front Range CrossFit about this, and he made it clear that the qualifying WOD's will be different for each region. This is for obvious reasons, later scheduled regions would have an advantage knowing what to train for in advance. All qualifier WOD's will indeed measure power output and CrossFitness evenly across all of the competitors in said region!

  4. Way to really stick that 37" jump! That's the definition of explosive power if I've ever seen it.

    The Aussie qualifier seems pretty well rounded. Jacob and I were talking about it yesterday after the WOD; The bigger guys will fly through the KBS and C+J but the burpees and ring dips pull the advantage down towards the smaller weight classes. All in all it seems like a pretty representative CF workout. Not much weight advantage anywhere.


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