Thursday, April 30, 2009

090430 Elizabeth

21-15-9 reps of:

Clean 135 pounds

Ring dips


  1. It's Queen's Day in The Netherlands today. So, no work for the rest of the week!!

    Packing up so that I can move out of my apartment by tomorrow. Will have to live out of a hotel for a week or so, then I should be headed back to MT, then on to Houston. Don't know exact dates yet, but I at least have a plan.

    Got this WOD in between loads of laundry.

    Cleans from ground as RX'ed
    Dips (1/2 1:1 weighted dips, 1/2 3:1 regulars)

    Round 1: 21 cleans, 11 weighted dips, 30 regular
    Round 2: 15 cleans, 8 weighted dips, 21 regular
    Round 3: 9 cleans, 5 weighted dips, 12 regular

    TT = 11:55

  2. Weighted dips were 14kg dumbell.

  3. WODoers:

    Left for fishing on Tuesday at 1:00. Drank a ton of beer, then fished like crazy on Wednseday, no beer on the water, but drank beer the four hours home. Hurt today. Caught big fish.

    Elizabeth with the squat clean as rx'd: 9:30 ish forgort to stop my watch as I passed out onto the ground. Pr. by over a minuts.

  4. Did the squat cleans Rx, and single leg assisted ring dips. Last time I must have scaled back on the cleans or did power cleans, cause my time was 10 minutes faster at the end of January. The cleans were heavy for me, and ended up being 1-3 at a time. TT: 28:38. I feel like a squashed bug.


  5. Second time with Elizabeth, first time rx'd. I didn't have rings back in January and I'm almost certain I scaled back on the weight. Not today, what a ball busting workout.

    TT: 13:49

  6. I'm having problems recovering from the surgery because I didn't follow orders exactly from the doctors. You're not supposed to pick up anything more than 10-15 pounds for a week and I broke that rule about 50 times hoisting my kids around.. and I've been paying for it.

    By the time I am ready to WOD I'll have saggy man boobs and be doing a one hour filthy


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