Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shoulder Day

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Compare to 090206.


  1. WODoers:
    Got 170 over my head for the first time but couldn't finish the lift, but it was nice to see some progress. I am going to add pushup/HSPs/and Lpullups to my warm up and hopefully work through some of the flat spots in my progress.
    135,155,165,185just to feel it failed,170almost,170 almost
    155x5,160x5,165x4,175x1 ran out of time and wrists were in pain.

  2. WODmen:

    You should have noticed upon last logon that you cannot get to the site until you enter your account info. It's locked down. Got an email from Pat Lupton asking for permissions (sorry, forgot to put him in first time around) so I added him there too. Let me know if anyone else needs in.

    Anyway, can't do shoulders yet, and I want to continue to work on metcon (need to get those lungs), so I invented another WOD that involved the shoulders just a little bit to slowly start working them again. Also did some ring dips during warm-up which I haven't hardly done any of in over three weeks, felt OK but stung a little.

    This WOD was called "Metcon 420" cos there were 420 reps (not because that's the time you take bong hits Travis)

    4 rounds for time, 15 reps of each of the following

    box jumps
    ball slams
    45 lb SDHPs
    1.5 pood KBS's
    45 lb Good Mornings

    TT = 19:25, it was a butt kicker

  3. All,

    Back from a trip to visit my Father, he was up and about 2 days after getting a tumor removed from his brain. It is pretty agressive cancer, so even through surgery went well, it will return. Anyway, took the weekend off, and flew to Louisville for a visit, and didn't do anything while I was there.

    Got back to it today with the shoulder work. My shoulder is back to almost whole, didn't have any problem with it on these.

    WU with Shoulder Press: Barx15, 65x10 and 75x5
    SPx1: 95,115,120PR,125f,120,120,125PR,130PR

    PPx3: 115,125,130,135PR,140PR,145(1)

    PJx5: 115,120,125,130,135PR

    Form was good, but struggled on the last rep of the PJx5 for each set. Wrists got really tired. Much better form overall compared to the last time.


  4. SP: 135, 155, 175f, 175, 185f
    PP: 155, 175, 195(2,f), 195(f,f,1), 195(f,f,f)
    PJ: 155, 165, 175, 185(3), 155, 175(4,f)

    Tied a PR on the shoulder press. Overall, a good day at the gym. Later fellas.


  5. Anybody else feeling a 10k coming on tomorrow?

  6. I do. It's been a long time and my arms are sure cheering for one.

  7. I feel a 10k comin too. I think am gonna try to do this 5 k 2000 foot vertical race up a run at squaw on sat, maybe.

    my numbers for today (bw173)

    later, myles

  8. If a 10K comes up, I'll row it. That will suck. My buddy Sean called today to tell me how sore his glutes are cos' yesterday he did 28 "jumping lunges" instead of walking lunges per round cos' his driveway and sidewalk were really icey.

    Then he told me that sometimes the 400M walking lunge WOD comes up. That sounds gnarly. 400M of lunges... yuck. Have you guys done that? Sounds brutal.

  9. SPx1: 115, 125, 135, 145(pr), 150(pr)

    PPx3: 135,145,165, 170, 170 (all pr, only had done 115 in some of the other WOD's)

    PJx5: 115,125,135, 145, 155(pr) Need to start heavier next time around

    Have a good night fellas

  10. I'd much rather row 5K than 10K, I'm sore! You guys are psychic.

  11. Did a "Health Assessment" at the YMCA today to compare from 6 months ago. This included max # of 85# bench press, my # 50. Do not have the officail numbers yet, but improved on everything except the hamstring flexability. Attributing that to the overheadsquats from the other day as m quads have been killing me. Only had time to get the SP and PP in, no PJ today.

    SP 135-140-145-150 (fx2)
    PP 145-150-155-160-165 (fx2)

  12. I know, a day late and a dollar short. Fuck it.
    PJ 135-145-155-160-165x4

  13. Did this yesterday.
    Shoulder Press: 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 170

    Push Press: 135, 140, 145, 150, 155

    Shoulders and neck were strained and ran out of time. Work the jerk another day.


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