Sunday, April 12, 2009

30 Muscle Ups for Time



  1. WODoers:

    I had a great time at Scott's party. It was awesome! Still recovering from the 2000 12o.z. curls I did, TT=14hours. Morey, thank you for serving our country, you are a stud.

    Today it is good to be back in the zone and not traveling. I thought I gained five pounds on my trip, but it turns out my digestion was just backed up. I took the biggest turd in my life and reweighed my self and I hadn't gained a pound. That a big turd!

    First time ever as Rx'd on this bad boy.
    Weight 201#s Time: 23:25

    Got really hard around 23, had hope's of sub 20, but last four or so were really tough.

  2. I got this bitch in 5:20. Should be able to get in the 4s. I forgot my last time with these, I think it was faster this time around.

  3. You guys are machines. I'm still sick, it sucks.

  4. Way to get it rxd Justin, that's what i'm talkin abouy

  5. Justin, for tomorrow's WOD post, please include a picture of your Titanic Turd.

  6. So I tried the "Isabel" 30 135lb snatches(Power, split or regular ok)
    Did the first 10 power pretty fast then went to regular snatch then split snatch finished 3:40. Can't wait for tomorrow.

  7. PR'd this one by a long shot.
    Tore my hand in the usual spot so I have a week of healing ahead of me. Need to quit being so cheap and use more tape.

    Does anyone tape their rings?


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