Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 rounds 21 L pullups and 3 15' L rope ascents

"Strong people are harder to kill and generally more useful than weak people." Coach Rip

I thought you guys would enjoy this video.


  1. WODoers: Took awhile to figure out the whole posting thing. I am happy to say I was able to do todays WOD as RX'd. I didn't think that would be possible when I read it. Took about a minutes rest in between climbs. My abs hurt really bad this morning, so I am actually pretty worried about laughing, coughing, or god forbid sneezing tomorrow. TT=25:12 for the fat monkey

  2. Dudes... can't do this one, wanted to make up Nicole so that's what I did. Will post comments on the Nicole post. from the other day.

    Shoulder is on the mend. Did 45 pushups (3x15) during warm up and it wasn't so bad. Weaver has me doing some good rehab exercises, and just letting it rest more has helped too. Going to see a legendary PT in 12 days, dude is a physiology professor. I'll share what I learn.

    I was waiting for someone else to post today cos I don't want to be a post hog. You guys should have all receieved an invitation to be authors on the site. I'll send again for those who haven't posted yet just so you don't have to go looking for the invitation.

  3. WODudes,
    CrossFit Games NorCal Regional Qualifier is a month from today, so it is time to train even harder. I didn't like the looks of today's WOD so I came up with something even more punishing:
    FAT FRAN (I named it)
    135 Squat Thruster (3:47,3:32,3:28)
    Muscle Up (6:10,4:51,2:57) almost all singles

    Total time: 24:48 (not easy or fast, give it a try)


  4. WOD Crew,

    Today's WOD was ugly. L Pull-ups were basically kipping starts with legs raised during the pull-up. Started out with 4 straight, ended up doing them one by one at the end. Rope climb sub was 3 sets of 16 alternating one-handed pull downs. Added 15 lower abdominal leg lifters between each "rope climb ascent" set.

    Total Time: 28:26

    Thanks to all who continue to post. Today while I was struggling through this one, I wanted to quit but couldn't because I didn't want to post that. Although I've never met most of you, all of your results continue to be a great motivator!

    Nice post Kook.

  5. Yo Trav I tried the "Fat Fran" I liked it more than the wod for today. I finished it 14:46. Anyone down to try the euro qualifier wod ???????

  6. Did this a few minutes ago. Killer rope climbs in the polebarn, they were not L rope climbs and I used my bare feet to help. Mistake. Note to self: wear shoes during rope climb until strong enough to not need feet assistance. Pull ups mostly L-sit looking type, up until the last 15 then had to resort to regular kipping pull ups. Attempted several times to get an L-sit pull up, but was not even close, bud!!

    TT: 42:15 that was w/ 3.5 times up and down the rope on the last round (was not making it all the way up on my 3rd attempt so had to get down and go again.)


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