Monday, April 6, 2009

Lunges Pull Up and Sit Ups

This is Maggie at about 2 months old after some serious playtime. Apparently, dogs don't need to be taught to do functional movements at high intensity.
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups, 21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups, 18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups, 15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups, 12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups, 9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups6 Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
Compare to 090226


  1. WODoers:
    This went really well considering I spent yesterday free heeling it at the village for about four hours. I got a second wind when I realized I could take down the Tornado's time from the last go round. I can't explain it, but I was hauling ass on the lunges.
    (1:30/1:49/2:08/2:15/1:37/1:14)=10:36 PR

    Travis and Myles: Nice times on that WOD!

  2. Justin, you crushed this one. WOW! To beat the Tornado in a body weight WOD is a serious achievement my man. Great work! You took almost 2 1/2 minutes off of your time from just 6 weeks back. Wow. You must not have had to rest hardly at all during this WOD.

    Super tired this morning cos' slept terrible two nights in a row. Poker party on Saturday night, and last night my 6 month old was up a lot and I was the one dealing with him, mama needed to sleep.

    I was stoked to see this one come up because I can do it RX'd. The shoulder is slowly on the mend. My hammies are still sore from all of those Good Mornings w/45 lbs last Tuesday. That means, of course, that I need to do lots more of those!

    Did this WOD in 13 minutes flat. Pullups slowed me down, had to recover a lot during those, but did first set of 21 unbroken. Situps and Lunges went well, didn't need to rest during those hardly at all. Situps were AbMat with anchored feet and ankles tucked up to ass.

    I didn't do this one last time cos' I was in Mexico. My TT was 2 seconds shy of Justin's 6 weeks ago though, so I am getting fitter!

  3. Here are a couple of good CrossFit T-Shirt ideas I've seen.

    They can both say "CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness" on the front, on the back you have:

    "Ask your doctor if getting off your ass would be good for you."

    The other is

    "Don't use machines, become a machine."

  4. Jesus Christ, my left forearm is fucking spasming from them god-damned pull ups! That rope climb has whooped me for the 3rd time now! Pull ups continue to be my nemesis!
    TT: 16:37, 29 sec better than last.

  5. Morey, you can admit that you're an ambidextrous clean and jerk guy.

    As Rx'ed, TT = 22:14

    Thought I had a good WOD until I read all of your times. Good job dudes.


  6. I did a different WOD sorry guys. My wod was
    4 rounds of
    run 400m
    5 pull ups chest to bar
    10 push ups
    15 115 lb back squat
    TT- 10:40
    Saw this one at a Texas crossfit challenge. Top time was 10:09
    Gotta keep workin hard yo.

  7. WODudes,

    Got to start working on my goat(s). Today was all about the squat clean. Worked with 115 to start 5X5, 125 3X5, 130 2X5. Then did 23, 70lb kettle swings and worked on elbows passed ears. Myles gave me a few great coaching tips on the clean. Next stop, the jerk.

    Good job guys, way to stay on track and keep posting. Our crew is real consistent right now. You guys rock!

  8. How bout that pic on the main page. gigidee gigidee

  9. As RX'd
    Total time: 13:20(PR)

    I cut off over 3 minutes from the first time I did this. So I'm real happy with my time.

    Later guys


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