Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rest Day - NFL Draft Day

I wish I had my camera at the gym today. There was some crazy Dutch (they're all crazy) guy wearing a US Postal Service uni-tard like the one Lance Armstrong wears in a race. Any time in Holland and anywhere for Halloween are the only situations I could see that and think that's somewhat normal.


  1. My normal jump rope WOD + DL's.

    9 rounds of 100 single unders
    1 round of 50 double unders

    TT = 8:47

    Deads = 310, 330, 350, 365, 375(PR)

    Later fellas.

  2. Workouts have been posted for the NorCal qualifier.
    Day 1 Workouts

    Workout A*

    For time:

    Row 500m
    30 Burpees
    10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (Men: 165#, Women: 95#)

    It's up to you to decide on the technique to employ for the shoulder-to-overhead movement (shoulder press, push press, push jerk, etc.). Efficient technique will be rewarded.
    * There will be a ten-minute cap for this workout.

    Workout B

    Max reps in 10 minutes of:

    Ground-to-Shoulder (Male: 185#, Female: 105#)

    Qualifier for male athletes – 10 reps of each exercise must be completed
    Qualifier for female athletes – 4 reps of each exercise must be completed

    The qualifier number means that for the workout to count, you must complete at least that number of reps for each exercise by the time the workout is done. If you cannot get the qualifier number in 10 minutes, the workout will not count as Rx'd. You can think of the qualifier number as a buy-in amount.
    It's up to you to decide on the technique to employ for the ground-to-shoulder movement (power clean, squat clean, deadlift-and-curl, etc.). Efficient technique will be rewarded.

    You can allocate reps between the two exercises however you want, as long as you meet the qualifier number for both exercises (e.g., you could go for all ten reps of muscle-ups first, then go for cleans, or you could alternate between the two exercises until you get ten of both, or do any number of other scenarios).

  3. Watch out for the guy who starts dead lifting and curling 185#! He will be scary.


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