Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DT 5 rounds 155# 12 dead, 9 clean, 6 press

You will feel like you have the DTs by the time you are done with this one!


  1. WODoers:

    Made up the total yesterday felt it today. Power cleans hurt. Did this one from the ground so I had to do a shit ton of extra deadlifts and cleans as the set became more and more broken.

    3:52/5:21/5:24/6:40/5:05 TT= 26:23

    Myles: Smokin good times!

  2. This one looked cool on the screen. Did a test load of 155 last night just to get a feel for it, I knew I would need to scale down for the Jerks, 155 is over my single max. So I scaled the first set to 135, the DLs were fine, cleans were hard after the first few, and the push jerks even harder. So after round 1 at 135, I scaled even farther to 115 so I could finish, it was still tough for me.

    6:22,4:12,4:22,4:33,4:44 TT: 24:13

    I'll go a bit higher next time.

  3. I was not looking forward to this one I finished in 11:54 I tried to strategize a bit until I just wanted to get it done. The workout tomorrow I am going to do 2 ppod and use the chest to bar standards and kettle bell swing till ears are in front of arms, all the way overhead. Anybody out there?

  4. WODudes, I knew this would be a heavy load. Cleans were by far the worst. Pretty happy with the jerks. I was not feeling like taking this WOD on until I got started then paced it good a steady. Want another try at to finish since I quit after round 4 because we had to go to a meeting.
    4 rounds: 13:24

  5. Had to scale this one back to 135 as I'm a push jerk puss! Pre WOD I tried 155 PJs and didn't do so hot. Should have setup 2 bars and did the DLs and HPCs rx'd.


  6. Had to scale this one back as well to 135. The power cleans were nasty.


  7. I think I could kick ass on this one if I wasn't hurt. Bummed... want to try this one some day to see if I can kick anyone's butt here. I can do me some power cleans, but the heavy push jerks would be really hard, I know that!


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