Friday, April 3, 2009

Saturday 090404

Hang power clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.

This is what happens when you drop your bar too many times without bumper plates on. Did this during Fran one time.


  1. What a great photo/post. I can't do cleans (I know, gets old hearing it), but I invented one helluva WOD for myself that is almost as much work as the Filthy Fifty I'm thinkin'

    21-15-9 of

    Wall Ball
    24 inch box jumps
    AbMat Sit Ups
    Deadlift 215
    53 lb KB swings
    GHD Sit-ups (on fitball)

    So that's what I'm gonna do... later on today

  2. Hang C&J
    135(5) / 155 / 175(f) / 175(f) / 175 / 185 (f)

    Always failed on the clean. Racked the bar and maxed the J at 200.

    Incline Bench - sets of 5
    135 / 155 / 175 / 185 / 195(2)

    Looking forward to the lazy Sunday tomorrow. Later fellas,


  3. Mike: I was way below my PR today too. I think it was the rope climb WOD.

    WODoers: Just didn't have it at all today.
    I also failed on the clean.
    ned rest day.

  4. WODudes,

    Myles and I met up at 8:15am. Although I pondered the cleans all night long they were still tough. We decided to do one of the Euro qualifier workouts:
    15 - 12 - 9 Reps
    Clean and Jerk 135lb
    Hand Stand Press Ups
    All power cleans from the ground, they were rather ugly, jerks went well and made for some tough HSPU's.
    after a minute of making a sweat angel I said 'OK let's row 1000m for time. After about 100m I asked myself WHY?
    Afterwards we practiced good straight head position to improve the HSPU with no wall, getting better. Glad to have another day done! I need to train harder and eat better.

  5. WODoers:

    Just got my gym boss timer. It is sweet. It only cost $20, came with its own battery, and it got here in three days. Took me five minutes to figure it out. No more trying to look at the watch on FGB and tabata shit. Its way cool and only about twice as big as a ipod shuffle.

  6. Had a co-worker/friend come over for his second ever CrossFit style WOD today, we WOD'd at the same time, it was fun!

    Tabata Abmat situps were part of warm-up

    I modified what I posted this AM, did this


    Wall Ball
    24" Box Jumps
    L Pull-Ups on rings
    215 lb deadlift
    53 lb KB swings

    TT = 19:30

    Whooped and sore, bring on rest day.

    Brett "The Rookie" did 3 rounds for time of

    800M row
    10 jumping pullups
    10 burpees
    20 35 lb dumbbell swings
    15 20" box jumps

    TT = 31:30

    Good job Brett!!

  7. Left forearm is sore, no not from jerking it, I am right handed. I think it was the rope climb as well...
    135 x 3 - 145 - 155 - 165 - 175 - 185 - 175
    last 2 were pretty ugly, but did get them up

  8. WODudes,
    3 event day today. After the workout this morning my girlfriend and I went for 1 1/2 hour back country ski adventure with a lot cross country ski type of movement, much work on the triceps. I was at a buddies hourse and then as spontaneous WOD confronted me. I rode my bike home as fast as I can and I live at the top of a steep hill that is at least a 3/4 mile long. About 1/3 the way, stop 12 burpees facing downhill, pedal hard uphill another 1/3 then stop 12 burpees. Next I see this guy walking way up in front of me and I decide to try to beat him to the intersection and the hill has much left and I am breathing hard. The dude beat me to the intersection and then I started counting his steps that he took until I passed him, it was thirty. I planned on 12 burpees at the top but I decided to do 30. Pulling up to the house I shouted outloud to myself 'Eye of the Tiger' (cheesy but effective for me). Set the bike down , peeled off jacket hat and glasses and went to it. I have a killer view of the lake and there is an empty driveway with a foundation so I pounded out 15 in a row then kept going in 4s and 3s until finished. The dude that was walking said, that ought to keep you in shape! I nodded as if to say damn right in post WOD fatigue stance with hands on the knees sucking air.

    Spontaneous WOD is a fact of life, you take it head on and kick its ass or you can puss out and get beat down like the general population.

  9. I just saw on that a Tornado ripped through Tahoe yesterday. Left in it's wake was some crazy ass dude singing "I'm a Maniac, Maniac" like Tommy Boy after cow-tipping. Also, some random guy spontaneously found himself in a race...What race is that Coach?...THE HUMAN RACE! up a hill. No injuries have been reported.

    People that do Crossfit are crazy. I think that's why I like it.


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