Saturday, April 11, 2009

Row, Burpee, Run x3

Always use proper form!
Three rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters
Post time to comments.
Compare to 090215.


  1. All rowing due to weather, don't have access to a treadmill, just the rower. Did all rowing last time for 22:45. This time 21:27 (6:50,7:15,7:22). Happy Easter.

  2. Total time for me 17:20 trying to work on rowing efficiency. Pic looks like a snatch gone bad oooooww. Then did the crossfit total @ about 80%
    155 sp, 315 bs, 365 dead. Didn't want to be to sore. Happy easter. Myles

  3. Where is everyone? Not WOD'ing, or just not posting?

    Everyone in my household is sick right now, it started with the little ones and made it's way up to mama and papa. Therefore, unfortunately, no WOD for me yesterday or today. Just feeling like poop, and if I workout, I'll feel worse and it will hurt cos' I ache all over. Bummed, but will come back to this one as soon as I am better. Then in 10 days I get a vasectomy and have to lay off for a suggested two more weeks. I'm going to become a blob..... no alcohol in a week now. Why stop now? This is easier than I thought. It's taught me that I can lay way off th empty booze calories, which I will, from now on. I doubt I'll completely quit, but a 75% reduction is realistic!

  4. First rode bike up steep hilI, took 5 mins. Got off bike, did 21 burpees, ran up another steep dirt hill at the park and did then ran a distance and back down the hill. Good games training. 3 rounds of burpees and hill run. With bike time 19:20. Running outdoors was tough for me. Loved the burpees.

  5. Sorry for the delayed posts!

    Subbed 50 - 45# SDHP's for each round of the row. 22 minutes flat

  6. Caught up and did this. Did 3 rounds of 1K row and 21 burpees. Goal was to get sub 20, got it done in 19:40. It was hard cos' I still have a bit of a cough and sore throat so my throat was burning and I was hocking up bugars. Great WOD though, kicked my butt. Rowing this hard with burpees made me a little nauseous.


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