Tuesday, January 23, 2018

100 burpees, and that is all


  1. Doing the Whole30 thing and the deal I made with myself is if I ever intentionally deviate, the punishment is 100 burpees. Everyone's favorite. Did them steady, but unbroken. 9:15. It wasn't actually too bad... that creamy gorgonzola salad dressing sure was good, and that little breadstick. Back to clean Whole30!

  2. I mostly get programing from two places:

    1. the website WodWell - https://wodwell.com/
    2. the app WODBook - I track Crossfit Mayhem as my box

    In WODBook you can also track your WODs and it includes a library of WODs in addition to the daily WODs from the Box you choose.


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