Tuesday, November 25, 2014

20 MInute AMRAP 10 95# Squat Clean/10 Ring Dips


  1. Holy heart attack. Did this after a 30 minute x-country ski to warm up. 10 rounds + 3 squat cleans. That was a brutal met con.

  2. Did this today, 95# hanging cleans to front squat and since we don't have Rings for dips I did box dips.

    Completed 11 rounds +5 squat cleans. My forearms were seriously on fire.

  3. Nasty metcon. Did squat cleans from the floor... did dips on a stack of bumpmers and feet elevated on a chair, deep.

    10 rounds + 8 SC's. Nastiness. Now we are off to Summit County for a few days of R&R, snowboarding, football, food, and cocktails. Tomorrow will be on the snowboard, Friday will be tromping up and down a sledding hill all day. Back at the WODs Sunday.


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