Thursday, November 6, 2014



  1. This was difficult. Counted time from zero but usually took about 4 second to get the rower to the pace and I did one extra round out of order because I somehow got confused.
    sub 1:25 for 32 seconds
    sub 1:30 for 47 seconds
    sub 1:35 for 52 seconds
    sub 1:25 whoops for 25 seconds
    sub 1:30 for 32 seconds
    sub 1:15 for 27 seconds

  2. Whoops, last one was supposed to be sub 1:25 for 27 as I have never gotten the rower to register a sub 1:15 pace and certainly not for 27 seconds!

  3. This was unpleasant. I still don't feel 100% and my arm... Not sure if it will ever be better. So those are my whiny excuses. I did not fare well:

    1:25 - :30
    1:30 - :33
    1:35 - :34
    1:30 - :37 (I was pissed)
    1:25 - :30

    Just can't seem to row like I used to guys. It's weird

  4. When I rotate my forearm toward my midline it pops big time... Deep inside. Been that way for months. I think a tendon got torn from the bone maybe... 6 months ago in that WOD where I did like 55 power cleans @ 185

  5. Fletcher, seriously, go see a doctor or a PT, that is not right.


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