Tuesday, November 4, 2014



  1. 4:39 no pr but not terrible either. The important thing to remember with Fran is taking a little 7 second break during thrusters will only make you feel better for about 5 of those seconds and will not help at all with the pain at the end of the work out. I took about three of those breaks during the work and would kick my own ass right now if I wasn't so jacked up.

  2. No pullup bar so I did 95 lb barbell curls which for me were a lot harder than pullups after like the first 5.... because I never do those. Good news is that the forearm .... after 6 months, is starting to be more useful. Didn't really bother it too much. The curls really slowed me down though. 7:37. Only took one break in thrusters, did the set of 21 unbroken and went 9/6 round 2. Then we did Annie... at which I sucked, like 9:30 something... not feeling good today, coming down with something so it made Annie not very pleasant. Oh well, got some work done. Now I have to rake leaves all day.


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