Thursday, September 25, 2014

3 Rounds: 400m runs/30 Squats/20 115# Push Press


  1. Toughest part of this WOD for me was the push press. Shoulders got tired in round 2.

    As Rx'd: 11:51

  2. You crushed me on this one Chris, nice time! Push press destroyed my time. It was bad in round one and two but the two minutes and nine seconds it took in round three, well what can I cay, that bar was fing heavy by then!

    Total time 13:56

    This is what I love about this blog. It always keeps you humble. One day you are first and the next day you are last. Everybody has chinks in their armor, especially me.

    Thanks for the motivation Chris.

    Got my first bar muscle up today during warm up, so that was cool. It was ugly as hell, but if it was real life, I would have been on top of whatever I needed to be on top of and not below it.

  3. damn dude.... so the runs will take 6 minutes at least... so you did 60 115 lb PPs and 90 squats in under 6 minutes. I get've been off of the blog for a while because you went to secret Russian military training camp and have been pumping roids and whatnot, knowing you could come back stronger than ever and DESTROY your old blog buddies.

  4. Craig and I did this WOD today, I scaled the Push Press to 95. TT 11:35. Short but effective.

  5. I rowed twice and ran once... I run slow, Jason runs fast. Like he does the 400M run in 1:30, me... 2:00. Did the rest RX'd, done in 11:24. First two rounds of push press I did not rack the bar, went 15/5 and 14/6 with a short break with the bar in rack position. Last round I went 14/6 but I racked the bar (on the actual rack) for 10 or 15 seconds before finishing the last 6 reps. I had to do that because I felt Uncle Pukey was coming to visit.


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