Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 rounds 10 Strict HSPU/20 GHD situps


  1. I could never kip with these anyway, so no big difference. GHD's got tough and I'm pretty sure it's going to hurt to sneeze, cough, brush my teeth, wipe my ass etc...

    TT: 11:54

  2. Chris, glad you are blogging again. TT 11:48 but HSPU were to AbMat. As you can see, it takes me the same amount of time to do them that way as it does for you to go head to floor. My shoulders don't like that. My GHD "Limit" is 100, so this was perfect. Any more than that and I seriously feel damaged. Rode the bike to/from work yesterday, 2 hours in the saddle. I like mixing that in.

  3. Did this rx'd with no kip and all legit head to floor. Which definitely explains my 27 minute ish time.


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