Tuesday, January 12, 2016

10 DL, 20 Pull, 30 Box J, 40 KBS, 100 DUs, 40 KBS, 30 Box J, 20 Pull, 10 DL


  1. Man was it cold in the garage, the space heater stopped working. But as you all know, it heated up fast. This was a gasser, I subbed in Double unders for what was written as singles (which I can't seem to do anymore.)

    TT: 13:30

  2. Good seeing the posts! I've been riding the spin bike, doing a bit of core work, doing one handed kettle bell deadlifts, and some box steps. that's about all I can do. Going to start riding the elliptical with hands centered at my office as well. Just doing what I can to stay moving and get on the road to recovery! My knee feels great, my shoulder has some work to do, of course... but my doctor said "you are recovering like a 20 year old college athlete!" That was awesome to hear. The same workout program that hurt me is helping me recover, and maybe some genetics in there... :-)

  3. Glad to hear you are up and moving and healing fast Fletcher!
    I am back in Cheyenne for a while so I am back at Frontier Crossfit. This was nasty but good.
    12 minute AMRAP
    75 Double Unders
    10 1.5 pood KBS
    10 Burpees
    Oh that sucked! 3 rounds and 45 double unders. I am faaat and sloooow.


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