Friday, January 15, 2016

Crossfit Frontier Good Stuff


  1. I am like the box style WOD where you start with a warm up then do some strength or olympic lifting then a shorter met con. It is kicking my ass. So today started with ten minutes on the minute clean/front squat/jerk start with 65% of 1RM. So I started at 165 and ended at 210. Then the horribleness began.

    9-6-3 95#thruster/pullup
    25 box jump burps
    9-6-3 95#thruster/pullup

    I started out unbroken through mini fran and into the burpees thinking I was really pretty special and on the fourth burpee the wheels officially came off and where never put back on. TT=9:20ish

    Working out in a box with others and coaches is pretty darn cool I must admit.

  2. For sure. I've done a few coached BOX WODs and it is more fun. The home gym is just way more convenient! I've worked out 4 times since the surgeries, all mellow stuff like spin bike, one armed KB deadlifts, situps, and back extensions. Just trying to stay active! PT on shoulder starts in a couple of weeks but my shoulder mobility is way ahead of schedule. Doing things they told me not to do, like raising arm over head, but it doesn't really hurt!


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