Thursday, October 2, 2014

10 rounds of row 250M rest 2 minutes


  1. Not feeling good... but I tried. Got through 4 and quit.. nausea and dizziness... gotta bug. First 4 were about 46 and 47 seconds each. Will try again.

  2. I haven't been on the rower for awhile so my times weren't as good as I hoped. I really wanted to be sub 50, but not this morning.

    52.6, 50, 51.7, 51.9, 53.4, 54.2, 53.7, 55.1, 55.3, 52.6

  3. In the immortal words of Ralph Wigum, " I think I broke my wookie."

    I hurt myself on this one, only counted negative splits or had to go again until got a negative split or tie.

    1. 48.5
    2. 48.5
    3. 48.1
    4. 47.1
    5. 46.0 then 51.1
    6. 50.7 then 51.0 then 59.9
    7. 52.6
    8. 50.0
    9. 49.5
    10. 47.3

    To get that 47.3 I just kept rowing as hard as I could and fighting the urge to quit with all I had for the last 20 seconds. I was fucked up rolling on the ground and just yelling out in pain after it was over. Took ten full minutes to feel normal agian. Great wod.

  4. 5th one on were bad. At least I brought it back down to sub 1:50 pace on the last one.

    52.0, 52.5, 52.2, 53.4, 57.7, 57.2, 56.8, 59.0, 53.4, 53.4


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