Thursday, October 30, 2014



  1. I just couldn't talk myself into finishing this one. My legs and ass muscles were going to cramp up if I kept going, so I stopped four squats into round four. Weighed 200 this morning and was using 205 on the squats. My body just did not respond well after all those heavy front squats the other day. I feel terrible quitting on a hero wod, but as I get older many of the hero wods just seem to hurt to bad for too long, or my body just cramps up and can't go, or they are just literally too much volume.

    I think I will have to start scaling more hero wods. Better to go all out on a scaled wod than have to quit an as rx'd one, get hurt, or be unable to move right for a week....I guess....I feel like a weak willed pussy for quitting...

  2. Did 60# sandbag front squats. Also only made it to 5 rounds. Family got home and it is time for Trick or Treating.
    TT 30:22 (it is more likely 1 minute less, started talking to them and forgot to turn the watch off.)

  3. Did 215 for back squats, all sets of squats unbroken (I weigh 225, I guess I shoulda added 10 pounds but I didn't really care). Did 5 rounds in 27:03. Could have finished seven rounds for sure (was just sort of motoring along) but the girls needed to do their WOD and Jason and I were in the way so we called it at 5... that's enough work for me.

  4. Did 165, my weight for the back squats and like Craig went through 5 rounds. I finished a few seconds after him. TT: 27:32.


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