Saturday, October 11, 2014

Row 5K


  1. Wasn't going for a PR, but I did want my 500m pace to be faster for the last 1K than the first, which I did by only 1 second.

    TT 21:42.1

  2. One of my least favorite WODs. I lacked heart in this one this AM, I'll admit that. It seemed like my rower was "sticky" or something... because it was hard to get a pace that is normally not nearly as taxing. Either that or it was just me. Anyway, 19:32... avg. split is 1:54. My PR on this is WAY faster..

    I pulled my 5K times out of my spreadsheet so I can be more pissed at myself. Look at this!!

    12/29/09 18:38.8
    1/21/14 18:48.2
    12/27/13 18:52.2
    12/27/09 18:54.7
    5/20/09 19:09
    4/21/09 19:26
    10/13/14 19:32
    11/27/11 19:35

  3. I think the answer is, I need to row more.

  4. I look back and see the same thing with my rows Fletcher. I know I am stronger than I was in 2009 and 2010, but that is when my best row times were too.

    I wonder if there is some kind of service that needs to be done to counter the effects, in my case, of storing the rower in a garage and/or shop with dust and tempartures almost always below freezing and sometimes down to 10 below during the winter?

    I don't really have access here in BFE Idaho, but maybe in the interest of science, you should drop by a box and see what your 5k time is on a new rower??

  5. I do clean the buildup off of the slide rail, I could stand to oil the chain again... I do that a couple of times a year. Could check flywheel for dust too!

  6. PS - I think a lot of this was lack of wanting to go FULL TILT. When I get those 18:40 like times, I feel shaky and sick for like 2 hours... I don't feel the need to push that damn hard nowadays, plus it will ruin the first part of my work day which I can ill afford.

  7. Dust/hair/fur will clog the air vents and change your drag factor, which in turn should change the setting you need it on. Here is a link to do it.

    1. My drag factor is 70... So I am quite a ways off. Need to clean it out and now I know why my 5K time sucked

  8. Thanks for the posts. I grabed some 3 in 1 oil and checked out both links. I am a little nervous to see how dirty it is inside my flywheel.

    I will check the drag and then as part of my next warm up am going to go for a 500m pr.

  9. So I did the service and the drag check. Gained a few points on the drag, but my machine is definitely off. When I am set at 4(which is where I always row) it is equivalent to a 1 on a new machine, which would explain why my sprint times have gone down. I have to be set at a 7 to be the equivalent of a 4 on a new machine, so my 500m time should definitely improve. I hope...tomorrow is rest day for me so I will find out on Wednesday.

    Thanks again Dave and Craig for the useful links.


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