Tuesday, October 14, 2014

AMRAP 20 minutes 21 135# Bench Press 21 L-Pullups


  1. What's up fellas? Took a little time off of CrossFit to ride my bike with my son. Nothing as extreme as Craig but it was fun. Couple 5 mile rides and one 10 mile ride. I was glad to have my son out there with me.

    Anyway, did this one Rx'd. Both moves got hard after round 2.

    4 Rounds + 8 Bench Press

    Later dudes!

  2. I did this with super strict full lock out at the bottom L-pull ups and strict ring dips instead of bench. It wasn't long ago that I could not even to one L-pull up with a true lock out at the bottom, so I scaled this to 7 l-pullups and 14 ring dips per round.

    Made it through five rounds and shoulders were screaming, so called it at the 18 minute mark.

    Nice work Chris!

  3. I should of cut back on the reps for the L-sits as well because I can tell you I didn't lock out each rep. Good idea Justin. Next time they come up I will focus on form and lock out. If that means cutting back reps so be it.

  4. Holy Guacamole. I don't have a pullup bar so I did 21 DLs instead, with a meager 135 lbs. That was no problem. The problem was the bench presses. Got 6 rounds + 10 bench. First two rounds were done in under 5 minutes... then the wheels came off big time by round 4, where I could only muster 2-3 reps of BP at a time. Round 6 was atrocious... took a good 4 minutes. Did round 6 DLs unbroken which was hard... So ya, 136 reps of bench will cause my pecs to detach from my sternum.

  5. I continued the modification to this WOD since I don't have a pull-up bar. I did 21 pushups, 21 GHD sit-ups and 135# DLs. I was able to get 6 rounds with one second to spare.

  6. Did 5 sets of 10 ring dips and 10 pull-ups. All strict, though my dips are always strict. Took me a little less than 15 minutes, but was going for form.


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