Saturday, October 18, 2014

10min AMRAP 10 GHD situps, 15 Pushups, 10 GHD situps, 30 Squats


  1. The only Mod I did was do back extensions for the second set of GHD sit-ups. I plan on doing the L-sit pull-ups/bench workout later so I wanted to save the abs.
    only 3 rounds +10 GHD sit-ups + 15 push-ups + 7 back extensions.

  2. I just kept moving with only a few breaks. I am sure that my abs and chest are going to hurt bad because of that. Four rounds on the buzzer.

  3. I just tried to keep moving as best as I could. I wanted 5 rounds but just wasn't happening.

    4 Rounds + 7 GHD's


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