Sunday, October 5, 2014

3 RFT 30 sec L-sit, 20 pull-ups, 10 thrusters


  1. Did 75#s for the thrusters. Almost made the full 30 sec on the first L-sit, 28 seconds. Did the next set in 10s. The last 15, 5,10.
    TT 14:06.17
    My thrusters suck, but that is nothing new.

  2. I did this one with chest to bar pullups and thrusters as rx'd. That was no fun after the seventy or so the other day. As described in 19:27. That one will hurt for a few days.

  3. Yo fellas..gonna do this Thursday, or possibly really early tomorrow. Rode my bike home from work last night and back in this AM. Good stuff right there... I really like it. Justin, you did the big boy thrusters eh? I might try that... might scale to 115... I think what I will really do is start at 135 and see how that goes on my old brokenness.

  4. Did this Thursday with Jason, no pullup bar so I did 20 SDHP's with 53 lb KB and 20 dumbbell curls each arm each round. That ended up screwing up my forearms for a few days. The rest RXd... didn't really time it, it was like 14 minutes or so. Jason subbed 20 power cleans at 115 for the pullups.


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