Monday, November 16, 2015

4X1000m Row Sprints/90 sec rest


  1. THIS ONE SUCKED! Still missing my fire to get moving. Round 1 was ok, but 2-4 were slow and painful.
    1). 3:50.3
    2). 4:02.2
    3). 4:07.6
    4). 4:07.7

  2. Well at least you did the work! I have literally been up since 2:05 AM. Had a crazy bout of sleep anxiety I guess you'd call it... just woke up all messed up, sweating, hot, heart pounding, etc. I hate that! Tomorrow will be a better day. We'll wake up with a bunch of snow on the ground and I'll be on that damn C2 rower!

  3. I did OK on the first one... but since I am still sort of fighting a cold, I couldn't push that hard after that, and stopped after three rounds because I was hacking. Then I did 3 rounds of barbell curls with 100 lbs. Wanted to do a fourth round but my shoulder popped. Glad I am doing both surgeries at one time... just get that out of the way. 12/17 is the magic day! Two days before my 44th birthday. Weighed in at a dainty 218 this AM as well.

    So my times were 3:28.5, 3:44.0, 3:42.6


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