Friday, November 20, 2015

Squat Heavy Squat a Bunch Repeat 3x


  1. Did this a couple of days ago and still feeling the effects, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Didn't really know how to set the weights up. But it went like this:


    I did not do the set of twenty or thirty in a pure unbroken rapid fire fashion but I never put the bar down or "rested" more than a second or two between a few reps. Just had to take an extra breath a couple times and adjust the feet.

  2. I saw the DLs and the Squats come up, and I can't lift heavy as we all know, so decided to do a Linda model and go 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Back squat 155, Deadlift 195, GHD Situps. Done in 17:07. Was really focused on form and range of motion.

  3. Did this one today, only rested in between set for as long as it took me to switch weight around. I was using 2 bars, so that helped increase efficiency. The last set of 225x1 and 155 x 10 I did 3 times. Total sets 6
    205 x 1
    185 x 10
    225 x 1
    145 x 20
    245 x 1
    115 x 30
    225 x 1
    155 x 10


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