Tuesday, November 3, 2015

7 rounds power cleans thrusters burpees


  1. 12:37 almost RXd did regular burpees which really slows me down lately. Didn't feel the fire this morning, felt really sluggish and slow.

  2. I haven't felt the fire lately either, today was tough to motivate. I did hanging PC's with 75 lbs and 75lb on the thrusters. TT 12:38

  3. It must be going around, I was crazy unmotivated this morning.

    I did get up and out there and went after this one. The PCs were much easier than expected since I haven't been doing them due to my shoulder.

    Knowing my shoulder hurts like hell doing Thrusters I just did front squats, I didn't increase the reps, I needed to be fast to get kids out the door for school.

    Anyway, I stopped after 5 rounds because the combination of PC and Burpees was killing my shoulder.

    So 5 rounds in 7:43

    I then did 25 reps of K2E, T2B and Pull-up (3 movements in a row = 1 rep)

  4. I know what's wrong with me now, I am coming down with something. I can really tell now.

  5. I tried to feel the fire this morning, but a week of traveling and eating at restaurants twice a day did me zero favors. As rx'd in 14:49. Was a damn good met con wod though, even with some serious bar staring episodes.


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