Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cindy or Mary


  1. Did Cindy but hobbled version, 3/4 ROM (I don't lock out arms on pullups anymore), and pushups were tricep only elbows pinched to sides, on knees). The pushups killed me... I've gotten weak in those areas of my body, and this was all tricep, so I figure those will be hurting next few days. 18 rounds + 3 pullups.

  2. Did this one today, haven't felt the "FIRE" lately, so slow and steady was my motto. did 16 rounds + 5 PU's.

  3. Oh Cindy how I hate you.

    My shoulder is still preventing me from doing Push-ups so I subbed in Sit-ups.

    I have been lacking motivation, but I forced myself to get up and started the WOD at 5:30, yep that's a.m.

    Modified with sit-ups I completed 23 rounds + 3 Pull-ups.

  4. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't, right? :-). Speaking of which, I am getting both my knee and my shoulder worked on at the same time, 12/17, surgery is scheduled. Come on over 12/17 in the evening for a Percoset party. Maybe we can watch Star Wars movies.

  5. I did this one again today while in Dallas. I used wrist wraps to help on pull ups to offset the tendentious in my elbow and that slowed me down a bit. Did 16 rounds, 5PU's, 10 pushups, 6 squats.

    Then did 5 sets of 5 squats @ 185 lbs.


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