Wednesday, September 11, 2013

THE DON!!!!!

For time:
66 Deadlifts, 110 pounds
66 Box jump, 24 inch box
66 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
66 Knees to elbows
66 Sit-ups
66 Pull-ups
66 Thrusters, 55 pounds
66 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
66 Burpees
66 Double-unders


  1. Been traveling early this week and then building a fence the last couple of nights after work. Post hole diggers and 90lb bags of sack crete have me feeling it, but it feels good.

    Will probably try to hit this Sunday, got all my post set in concrete, so tonight will cut the tops and run the laterals and then all I have to do is screw off on Saturday.

    Be back soon. It will be interesting to see what a week of no wod but serious manual labor does for me.

  2. TT 50:16

    Everything RX'd except pullups, did 45 of those, it was hurting.... someday I need to heal. Should have sucked it up and did all of them I guess.

    Thrusters were super hard for some weird reason, they were only 55 lbs but my shoulders were burning like fire at that point. Must have been from something I did a couple of days ago, I don't know but man....

    And then you have 66 burpees. That's just a mental thing. Just keep moving, even if you are crawling ass slow.

  3. Oh ya... today there were 6 guys that went at 7... then at 8:30 there were TEN women out there. Our gym has become quite the gathering place. It's really cool. Lots of kids running around too. Kids doing pullups, rope climbs, and whatnot.

  4. Nice work Fletcher! I was totally run down from my week of fence building, but I hit this one today and it was way too much for me. I found myself sitting on my box after the first 12 thrusters wondering if it was possible to pass out, throw up and shit myself all at the exacts same time. I actually talked myself into quitting a hero wod, but in the end I couldn't stomach the thought of quitting, so I combined mowing the yard and finishing the reps. Mow two lines then 12 thrusters, mow two lines then 15 wall balls etc... Finished all the reps but time is too embarrassing to post. Feel good about not quitting though.


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