Monday, September 30, 2013



  1. Fletcher, I rowed this one to give us a heads up match. (even though rowing and burpees is probably Fletcher's wet dread WOD for a heads up show down). I gave it my all to go sub 30, but gravity won and the burpees they really slowed down. 31:06 with 500m rows and one foot touch on the burpees(two hands to bar)

    For whoever wins this one it will be like Days of Thunder, "Cole your not going faster, every body else is going slower!" This one is all about holding a pace and not stopping, neither of which I did.

  2. I saw the throwdown post last night when I went to bed and thought "it's on!" Although I did spend much of yesterday on the golf course sipping a few cocktails.

    TT 29:31

    Some milestones I remember...

    9:04 after 2
    14:30 after 3
    knew if I kept pace I could get under 30....
    29:19 with three burpees left, I cranked them as fast as I could (I was dying) to try to get to 29:30, one second short. Collapsed into a heap for 3 minutes solid before I could get up. I was wasted.

  3. Oh and I rowed... allowed for 20 seconds/round for transition time in my plan. Wanted 2 minutes or less of rowing time, and 10 burpees per minute. My target was exactly 12" above max reach

  4. Smoked it Fletcher, nice split going 14:30 and 15:00 that is a great second half!

  5. the low point was the round 4 burpees.

  6. I'm back. Took the month off (obviously) to do some strength training. I feel much stronger, though still not where I would like to be. I will still try to do 100 sit-ups, push-ups, squats and 50 DH pull-ups. Today, only did the push-ups and squats (day is not over yet).
    Rx'd 32:55.84
    Bar was 13 inches, 2 hand touch. Had to rejump on about 6 because I missed it.

    One more thing. I started the October Unprocessed challenge ( Basically as it sounds. The goal is to eat unprocessed foods for the whole month of October. This has been going on for about 4 years now. They do it to get people to be more aware of what is actually in our food. This is not a raw food movement, you can cook and bake all your food. Their definition of unprocessed is "Unprocessed food is any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with whole-food ingredients.". So no artificial colors, flavors, sugars, preservatives. You guys might be interested in doing it. I know you know that 80% of weight loss comes from diet.

  7. Just checked, 33:58 last time I did this! 7/31/10


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