Jason and I did this on Thursday. At my MIL's house we have no pullup bar (although I do these pullover things when I take my kids to the playground, so I know I can do them)... anyway we subbed burpee dumbbell deadlifts. I think I used 40s and J used 35s. I can't remember the end result... forgot to post. I think it was 6 rounds + 15 squats maybe? Of note was I held the final handstand hold unbroken, which was extremely hard at that point.
Jason and I did this on Thursday. At my MIL's house we have no pullup bar (although I do these pullover things when I take my kids to the playground, so I know I can do them)... anyway we subbed burpee dumbbell deadlifts. I think I used 40s and J used 35s. I can't remember the end result... forgot to post. I think it was 6 rounds + 15 squats maybe? Of note was I held the final handstand hold unbroken, which was extremely hard at that point.